Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Know what I heard?

Some years ago, this dude called the Beyonder kidnapped a bunch of Earth's bravest heroes and most maniacal villains and took them to this place he made called Battle World and made 'em fight. Doesn't that sound awesome?

Well, if you answered the above question with "YES" then you don't want to miss out on the first HDCC meeting of 2008, when we'll be discussing Marvel's Secret Wars - a Dragon fan-favorite if there ever was one.

We'll be getting together on January 3rd at the Villa around 7:30PM.
Let me know if you're going to make it: thomaschadbowers@gmail.com


Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The Heroes & Dragons Comics Club is proud to announce the our new social networking site, The Club of Mars Heroes & Dragons @ Ning! To join, email me or Chad, and we'll send you the invite; as the club is closed to the public. This way we'll weed through spam and people who want to be your fake internet friend so they can tell you about their emo band or whatever.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Save a buck or two this December or buy something for someone you love, either way... there's no new comic for December.

Yes, that's right, gang. The HDCC is taking a break from the wonderful world of comics dissection during the 12th month of '07, but that doesn't mean we're not going to meet.

Nope, you're not getting away that easily. We'll still be getting together at the Villa on the evening of December 6th @ 7:30PM for a little end of the year HDCC banter, we just won't be discussing a particular book.

One thing I will be addressing are some changes in the way the club works, and they're good changes... I think you'll all be pretty happy about these.

As usual, if you're going to make it, let me know so I can let the Villa know - hit me here: thomaschadbowers@gmail.com

I look forward to seeing you guys on the 6th of December.


Monday, October 29, 2007


Howdy, campers.

Sorry we haven't updated sooner, but that happens sometimes, y'know?

A quick update to let you all know that our November meeting has been pushed back a week.

Instead of meeting this Thursday, we're shifting things to next Thursday which is November 8th. We'll be discussing Matt Fraction's and Kieron Dwyer's modern day western, Last of the Independents by AIT/PlanetLar... and if you're not sure what that is, do a quick Google search and all questions will be answered.

And just to change things up even more, we'll be starting out at the store (just like old times) at 7:30PM and then moving to a eating spot once the meetings over... maybe the Villa, maybe not.

Oh, and did I mention we've got Matt Fraction as a call-in guest?

Yeah, you won't wanna miss this one.

Email me with questions: thomaschadbowers@gmail.com

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Yeah, so it looks like the jockery beats geekery again... and if you're not used to it by now, well, there's still time to book a seat on that rocketship off planet.

This month's Comic Club meeting will be rescheduled to Thursday, October 11th at 7:30 at the Villa.

We'll be chatting about Planet Hulk - copies still available at the Dragon at 25% off (that's an additional 5% to our normal 20%).

Email me at thomaschadbowers@gmail.com if you've got questions.

Enjoy the game.

Friday, September 7, 2007

October Club: Planet Hulk

Next month's Comics Club selection will be Planet Hulk (not to be confused with Planet Rock, which is also awesome.) This Hardcover collection contains the lead up to this summer's blockbuster Marvel event, World War Hulk.

Club members will get at 25% discount on the Planet Hulk hardcover - an extra 5% off!

For details on the book and next month's club, contact Heroes & Dragons at 803-731-4376 (803-731-HERO)

Thursday, September 6, 2007


In case you didn't know, tonight at 7:30pm at the Villia the H&D Comics Club will be meeting for our discussion on Civil War.

Call (803) 731-HERO (4376) for directions and meeting times.

To forewarn you, Chris and I will be talking about how the best thing to come out of Civil War was Archie Comic's Civil Chore!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Well, by now, you've read the story, played with the action figures, washed with the bath soap, and worn the t-shirt, so you might as well be at the Villa this Thursday to talk about it when Comic Club dares to ask:
Call (803) 731-HERO (4376) for directions and meeting times.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Hey, don't forget! Our next meeting is next Thursday, September 6th, 2007 at 7:30PM at The Villa, located at 1704 Bush River Rd. If you need directions, feel free to call the store at (803) 731-4376.

One thing about Civil War that I found strange pretty early on, was the promise of the definitive Captain America / Iron Man fight, announced as if we'd all been sitting around for years waiting to see these two go at it. Weird, huh?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What do you want to read next?

One of the struggles at the end of each club is to figure out what to read for next month. So what are some suggestions for our October meeting? Post them in the comments, and we'll put up a vote/poll later.

I'll throw one out - a collection of the Waid/Ringo Flash run (assuming it's in print)

Any others?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Over at Marvel(dot)com, Tom Brevoort's done several entries on his Blah, Blah, Blog focusing on the early development stages of Civil War.
If you've got an hour or so to kill (and hey, who doesn't, right?) head on over here for Mark Millar's initial CW pitch with Marvel EIC Joe Quesada and Brevoort himself providing feedback, and then here for the first couple pages of Millar's prototype script for #1.

I found it interesting how CW went from being a 12 issue maxi-series to a 7 issue mini, but still tried to shoehorn in most of the same beats.

Some interesting notes on Thor, the Hulk (seems WWH was supposed to end up happening in CW, becoming the event that reunites the heroes), Simon "Wonder Man" Williams' bid for Congress, and the eventual fate of Captain America.

Friday, August 3, 2007

September Comics Club: CIvil War

On Thursday September 6, Comics Club will be meeting to discuss the Marvel Mega Crossover Event, Civil War.

Love it or hate it, Civil War had people talking about (and buying) Marvel Comics. Come out in September and talk about what you did or didn't like about the series, how you feel it impacted the Marvel Universe, and what you think about the Event book in general.

If you need a copy of Civil War, stop by Heroes and Dragons and pick up the rescent TPB collection of the seven issue series.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Why Now and Why a Blog?

In digging around to set up this blog, I realized that the Heroes & Dragons Comics Club (or HDCC) has been around since May of 2003, when we all first got together to read The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in advance of the movie that was to come out. It's hard to believe that it's been over 4 years ago since the club started, and we've seen a lot of people come and go since that first meeting; but here we are.

Over the years, the HDCC has been more than just a book club with comics, it's been a close knit community of comics fans in the Columbia, SC area. We've had different online initiative where we could continue to talk about comics with like minded people, like the long dead Poptown Forum.

In an effort to bring back that old school discussion, and to have a place to post news and notes about HDCC, I've started this blog. The blog will give us an easy way to make updates, and we can all get involved. Hopefully, all our regular members will come and offer up comments and so forth, and we'll be able to draw in new members.

If you have any questions about joining the club, post a comment here, or visit ur sponsor store Heroes and Dragons.